Meet Keirstin Proud
From a young age, I've been driven by a quest for truth and love. Despite exploring many paths in life, my passion for being my truest self never wavered. My journey has been marked by struggles with depression, anxiety, and even an attempted suicide, but these challenges led me to a path of deep inner exploration, spiritual practices, and a relentless pursuit of personal transformation.
After years in theatre and the business world, I became consumed with discovering my life's purpose and embarked on a zealous journey of healing and discovery. I delved into different modalities and techniques, including an attunement in Usui Reiki and training with the Modern Mystery School. When I became a mother in 2015, my life was turned upside down, but this journey brought me back to my roots in Florida and opened new avenues for learning and empowerment.
Today, I am the founder and owner of Life's Magick, a Mystic Soul Guide, Trauma-Informed Coach, Hypnotist, Passionate Visionary, Life Activation Practitioner, Soul Realignment Practitioner, Jikiden Reiki Practitioner, Psychic Medium, Empathic Energy Healer, Children/Adult Meditation Facilitator, 2nd Step Initiate in the lineage of King Solomon, and a graduate of Universal Kabbalah. With a BA in Visual and Performing Arts from the University of South Florida, I bring a unique blend of creativity and spiritual insight to my work.
My ultimate goal is to share the knowledge and tools I've gained on my own journey of self-discovery with others, helping them find their own paths to healing, growth, and empowerment.
Let's connect if you are looking to heal from depression, release anxiety, go on a 6 month Elite Immersion coaching, join our Retreat, or to learn more of what services we offer.

Transformation in a Dark Place...
“It seems that for as long as I can remember, I was searching for something that could not be found. I was raised by an extremely violent father and an alcoholic and neglectful mother. The scars of my early childhood remained throughout my life. By the time I reached my early twenties, I felt an untamable urge to want to be successful, yet every time I achieved a goal that I thought was going to make me content I felt an even greater sense of hollowness. For instance, I earned my undergraduate degree in 1996 and it was not enough, so I then completed my first graduate degree within one year. I then went on to complete my MBA –all in a quest for a better career. Over the next ten years of my career, I went from being an accounting assistant to a CFO of a multimillion dollar company.
To many, I would appear to have the world in my hands. I was married to a great woman, had a child who is so fantastic, owned several properties, cars, money in the bank and no debt. However, it was never enough. I was never happy with myself so the achievements held no value and the emptiness inside grew more and more unbearable every year. I lost all sense of what life was truly about. My subsequent actions led me to have troubles with the law and I ended up incarcerated, divorced and with a strained relationship with my child. When you are incarcerated, you can no longer run from your inner demons–especially when you are spending twenty hours a day locked up in a cell. I knew that I needed to change my life, my values, and my priorities because I was unable to achieve true happiness. I set out on a road that has been painful at times, especially as I emotionally and spiritually started to grow, but I am growing happier and healthier spiritually, emotionally and mentally.
The metamorphosis I feel is similar to that of a caterpillar becoming a butterfly. For almost ten months I have been working with Keirstin, whom I considered a God sent a gift and a great friend. Together we have worked on healing the profound scars from my life and seeking the direction of a light path. What is most extraordinary is the environment in which I have been able to heal–in jail. While I still have a long way to go, I have already made so much progress that the changes are prodigious. The way I feel about working with Keirstin and the progress I have made can best be summed up by a line in George MacDonald’s book Lilith, “Out of my dark self, into the light of my consciousness.” I have more hope now for my life than I have ever had, and I owe a great deal of the progress I have made to Keirstin’s help.”