If you have experienced your own Soul Realignment and are looking to become a practitioner yourself, I recommend clicking the link below.
Have you ever heard of the Akashic Records? Think of them as a giant energetic database that holds information on just about everything - including the nature, purpose, history and origins of your Soul itself!
I know that's an overwhelming concept, but I'm currently studying Soul Realignment, an intuitive healing modality that teaches you how to "read" the Akashic Records. Through this work, you can discover the Soul's purpose and history, as well as energetically clearing old patterns of negativity that we have created through past choices. It truly is exciting work!
While the topic seems so overwhelming, the Soul Realignment course itself is highly structured and well-organized, so it's very easy to follow. I can't believe how much I'm learning about the nature of the Soul, the spiritual development journey, and how we create our experience through choices. The level of self-awareness this course bring with it is astounding - even if you never want to do this work professionally, it's truly something that I has catapulted my own spiritual evolution to a new level.
KENDRA OLWEN - Starguide Astrology

Kendra Olwen has been a professional astrologer, teacher, and intuitive reader for over 30 years. She incorporates mythic imagery inspired by the stars and planets to interpret the unique story in each person’s birth chart. Kendra believes what is ancient Star Stories all speak to us in meaningful ways. She uses the language of astrology in a heart-centered way to help people grow toward self-empowerment and healing. She believes that the magick and mystery of the ancient wisdom are guideposts for understanding your Soul purpose, as well as providing down-to-earth advice on life’s gis and challenges. Her clients range from spiritual seekers and creatives to entrepreneurs and business people. She holds professional certification from ISAR (International Society of Astrological Research), which required a minimum of 10 years of experience, proof of your astrological mojo, and agreement to a code of ethics. She has studied with a wide variety of internationally recognized
astrologers and metaphysical teachers, primarily in the Boston area, which has taught her to keep an open mind. Both Unity and Science of Mind, as well as earth-based spiritual practices, have been central to Kendra's understanding that the Universe is always conspiring to bring us gis. She has also been a realtor, which actually taught her a lot of practical astrology. She has now returned to astrology with renewed passion and purpose. Readings and consultations include: Soul purpose, major life transitions, career direction, trend and cycle analysis for business owners, relationship patterns, past life dilemmas and remedies, as well as current goings-on in the sky to help navigate life’s challenging moments and take advantage of positive cycles. Kendra has written for several new-age publications, including New Times Naturally and was the astrologer for MoxieWomen.com. She has taught many workshops on astrology, tarot, and Goddesses in the Zodiac. Her current offering is the New Moon Salon, an experiential monthly New Moon class that shows you how to make the most of the current lunar cycle.