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Understanding Your 6 Clair Senses

Writer's picture: KeirstinKeirstin

Updated: Jan 12

Understanding Your 6 Clairs

Did you know you have super powers? It’s true! Most people have no idea how incredibly powerful they are. Hidden within each of us are extraordinary Clair senses just waiting to be unleashed. The only thing standing in the way? Ourselves. We let society, culture, and our busy minds dim our light and hold us back from reaching our full potential.

Our minds and bodies are far more remarkable than we give them credit for. We’re naturally designed to connect with universal energy without even trying. When we quiet the endless mental chatter and release stagnant energy, our inner magick begins to shine brighter than ever before.

So, which of these superpowers do you have?

The Six Clair Senses of Your Psychic Abilities


Clear Seeing

This gift allows you to see things beyond the physical realm. You might visualize events from the future, gain insight into people or situations, or receive visual messages as if watching a scene play out in your mind. If you have a vivid imagination, you might already be tapping into this ability

Clairaudience Hearing

Clear Hearing

Messages come to you through sound—voices, songs, or subtle tones others may not perceive. Spirit speaks directly to you through auditory cues, helping you understand what needs to be heard beyond the physical world.


Clear Tasting

Ever experienced a taste without eating anything? This sense allows you to perceive flavors as a form of spiritual communication. These tastes often carry messages or insights, offering a unique way to connect with universal energy.


Clear Feeling/Emotions

Emotions and sensations from others can feel as if they are your own. Whether it’s someone’s pain, joy, or sorrow, you have an innate connection to their emotional or physical state. This deep empathy is how the universe communicates through your feelings.


Clear Smelling

Scents seem to find their way to you, even when there’s no physical source. Whether it’s the smell of flowers, smoke, perfume, or something familiar—before anyone else notices, These smells often carry spiritual messages, offering guidance, or forewarning of events.


Clear Knowing

You simply know things without being told. Details about situations or people come to you effortlessly, as if downloaded directly from the universe. Logic takes a backseat as this inner knowing guides you with precision and certainty.

Which of these resonates with you? Or maybe you’ve discovered a combination of them? Embrace your gifts—they are the keys to unlocking your true power!

Want to dig deeper into developing your intuition and psychic abilities? Let's work together to help you rediscover yours inner magick today. I have many options to help you ignite that inner spark. Click here to Book Your Free Strategy Call.

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